christ memorial mekane yesus

Christ Memorial Mekane Yesus

Christ Memorial Mekane Yesus is an Amharic-speaking service currently meeting in our Reliant location
(3500 Caroline St.) on Sundays from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. 

This congregation began as a small group of people who met for Bible study over the last few years on the campus of Concordia Seminary. With the connection of several members, a new service was begun in partnership with Christ Memorial in the Fall of 2024.  

The goal of Christ Memorial Mekane Yesus is to reach the Amharic speaking Ethiopian community across St. Louis, and to raise up a multi-ethnic, English speaking second generation. This new community is fully part of Christ Memorial, yet distinct in language and worship style. 

We invite you to worship with us and learn more on our Facebook page.