
REjoice: Anticipate

REjoice in Waiting: Anticipate November 28REjoice in Waiting: Anticipate by Pastor Bobby Walston Matthew 1:1-17 This Advent season we focus on some of the less-familiar prophets who told of the coming Messiah who would finally establish God’s kingdom justice and righteousness. Advent means “coming” or “arrival.”  In the Christian church, this season is marked by

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REcommit: Common Mission

REcommit: Common Mission November 21REcommit: Common Mission by Pastor Bobby Walston Mark 13:1-13 Today is the final Sunday of the church year.  As we turn over the liturgical calendar and enter the season of Advent we reflect on the “Common Mission” that Christ has given to all His people, the Church. What is that mission?

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For All the Saints

For All the Saints November 7For All the Saints by Pastor Bobby Walston John 14:1-7Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if

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REcommit: All and Everything

REcommit: All and Everything November 7REcommit: All and Everything by Pastor Jeff Cloeter Mark 12:38-44 Today, we recognize All Saints Day, which was November 1st.  We remember that saints are not super Christians.  The term “saint” means “holy one,” and describes all who are made holy by the blood of Jesus Christ.   Also today, we

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