Before & After:
How the Resurrection Changes Everything

After that day, everything was different.  The first disciples witnessed a dead man walking.  Their lives would be forever changed, defined by “life before Easter” and life “life after Easter.”  On numerous occasions, Jesus showed up in resurrected form before he ascended.  In the season of Easter we will examine six “after Easter” encounters with Jesus.  What did he say and do?  In what practical ways does resurrection change my daily life?  Nothing will ever be the same.  

From Lonely to Belonging – April 11

John 21:1-14

Often we are caught between wanting to be known and afraid that if we are known we won’t be loved. In a post-resurrection encounter with Peter, Jesus reveals that he not only knows us completely, but he also loves us completely. To belong to Jesus is to be known and loved. To belong to Jesus is to be given a place and a purpose.

Questions for Reflection

Do you find it hard to open yourself up to others? Why or why not?

What does it mean for you to belong to Jesus?

Those who belong to Jesus are sent to love and serve in his name. Think of one person you know who is lonely and commit to reach out to them this week.

From Confusion to Understanding  – April 18

Luke 24:36-49

There are so many times in life that we say, “I just don’t understand.”  In this sermon we hear of Jesus “opening the minds” of the disciples to understand the Scriptures.  What do we do when in the cloud of confusion? Where do we go when we don’t understand? Jesus comes to “open our minds,” to reveal his Grand Story and our place in it.

Questions for Reflection
Describe things you just don’t understand.

How is Jesus the key to understanding?  Understanding the Bible?  Life?

How is the Bible different from other historical documents? 

From Doubt to Belief –  April 25

John 20:19-31

Today we hear the account of “Doubting” Thomas and consider what it means to believe, especially when we’re faced with unbelievable circumstances. How does the resurrection of Jesus move us from doubt to belief?

Questions for Reflection
What does it mean to believe? 

What is the relationship between doubt and belief?

What are some of the ways you decide who or what to believe?

From Hidden to Revealed – May 2

Luke 24:13-35

One thing we notice in the gospels is that the risen Jesus was often in disguise.  On numerous occasions, his friends don’t recognize him.  Why is that?  Furthermore, why does it seem like God is hiding sometimes?  He seems disguised when we need him most.  Silent when we long to hear from him.  God can seem to be a stranger when we need a friend.  Why does Jesus hide?

From Denial to Love – May 9

John 21:15-19

Jesus prepared Peter for life “after Easter” with a simple question.  “Do you love me?”   It rings in our ears today.  It is a simple question, but one that will change the course of our lives.  As the traffic of life gets busy again, how will this question change you? 

From Static to Sent  – May 16

Matthew 28:16-20

Now what? In this series we have considered how the resurrection of Jesus changed everything. In our series finale, we consider the Great Commission and how the story continues today. How does the resurrection move us from static to sent? What does it mean to go?

Questions for Reflection

What are some of the reasons you hesitate to share the Gospel? 

How does Jesus’ claim of authority and promise of presence give you confidence to be go?

Consider who it is that you are uniquely sent to. Write down their name and commit to pray for them every day this week.

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