The Acts Alliance

For six weeks in the season of Pentecost, 10 Lutheran churches from across St. Louis unite for a common sermon series in the book of Acts.  We are an alliance of over 8,000 Christians, united in Jesus and animated by the Holy Spirit.  In this season, we’ll share glimpses into our diverse congregations.  We’ll pray for each other.  And we will encourage each other in our common mission to be witnesses of Christ across our metro area “and to the ends of the earth.”

Week Two (May 30)
Alliance Means:  We Share Things in Common

Acts 2:42-47

Oftentimes it’s easy to identify ourselves by what we are against and to let our differences define us. And yet the early church was known for what it held in common – the apostle’s teaching, the fellowship, the break of bread, and the prayers. In Christ, followers of Jesus share all of God’s gifts in common, with no rivalry, conceit, or competition.

Questions for Reflection:
How would you define “church”?

In what ways do our differences shine a spotlight on what we hold in common?

In the early church common confession led to common care for one another. How can you demonstrate holding “all things in common” this week?  

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