Our history
In 2007, Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in South County launched a “SENT” city campus aimed at reaching a demographic of students and professionals repopulating the urban core. Since 2007 Reliant has had several homes, LOVED (welcomed) and SENT (to other churches, cities, and countries) many members. We have grown into a vibrant, multigenerational community that continues the same mission of reaching the Saint Louis urban core as a multisite campus of Christ Memorial. The Reliant community believes we are called to be children of God and that Christ has come to save all peoples no matter what race, color, gender, or past. Humanity is offered a hope and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.
Reliant Church believes God has given it a commission to reach St. Louis city with the Good News of Christ’s forgiveness of sins and hope in eternal life. We believe God has blessed our Church with a congregation of dynamic individuals devoted to the spread of the Gospel in a loving, lively, and diverse way. We are developing a special connection to the Midtown community and, in particular, The Gate District Neighborhood we now call “home”. Crave Coffeehouse serves as an extension of our ministry to the SLU campus and medical community throughout the week in partnership with Reliant ministry staff.
Our belief
First and foremost, we are Christians. Our life and faith revolve around a crucified and risen man we believe to be the world’s rightful King. Second, we are Lutheran. As Lutheran Christians, we follow in the gospel-centered heritage of Martin Luther with distinct focus on God’s grace, his gift of faith in us, and the sacred Scriptures as the foundation for our life and work. We don’t believe in walking it alone, so we walk together with about 6,000 other congregations across the country in a church body known as The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Our two words
We are a church compelled by two words. We are loved by God in Christ and sent by God into the world. God’s love is proven with blood and a cross. The word “mission” comes from Latin missio, meaning “to send.” We go where there is need for the love of Christ. On a weekly basis our church is sent across St. Louis, from South City to Soulard, from the West End to West County, from SLU to Wash U. We pray that the gospel of Jesus continues to go forth, as more people are loved and more people are sent.

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